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The ‘face’ of a future industry; ACIA takes the story to young people

The collision industry’s key skills advocacy body has launched into the world of social media with a new, short video on what young people might be looking for in a rewarding career.

The up-tempo YouTube video created for the Australian Collision Industry Alliance, is aimed at potential young recruits to give them a glimpse of the benefits that could lie ahead with a career in collision repair.

It features several young apprentices at Exclusive Body Werks in Granville, NSW and shows work on Porsche and McLaren vehicles, offering a glimpse of the technology and craftsmanship which are the hallmarks of the future image of the industry.

ACIA founding member Rob Bartlett says along with a number of steps including appearing at motor shows like last weekend Motorex and upcoming Career expo’, the drive was about getting a new perspective on the industry in front of young people.

“This is our first foray into the video stories about what industry pathways could look like,” Bartlett says

“We are going to do a lot more of this as we find ways into the phones and social media of young people. It’s where they are seeing things.”

He said the use of stories was crucial in opening the possibilities in young people’s minds about career options that may have been overlooked in normal career advice offered in schools.

For more information go to ACIA

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