Associations, Latest News

Cohda Wireless’ smart streetlights concept

NCR Cohda Wireless

Cohda Wireless has shown off a new idea at ITS World Congress Copenhagen 2018, a smart streetlight system that will adjust luminosity to warn drivers of vehicle breakdowns in the vicinity of the system.

Cohda’s proposed system would alert drivers of incidents in the immediate vicinity by increasing the luminosity of the streetlights from 20 percent to 100 percent intensity.

“Broken-down vehicles present a significant risk to all road users, more especially on freeways and motorways when it’s dark, or where there are blind rises or bends,” said CEO Dr Paul Gray.

“Our concept proposes that an on-board application in the vehicle sends a notification via DSRC to the nearest streetlight to the car that has broken down. The streetlight, which has been fitted with hardware that receives and interprets the message, sends a message to the controller of the smart street light, typically in the cloud, which in turn responds by increasing the luminosity of the streetlight until the vehicle leaves the scene under its own power or is towed away.”

“There are many smart streetlight initiatives around the world that are focused on connecting streetlight infrastructure and enhancing control functionality. This is about Vehicle-To-Infrastructure technology plugging into these networks to enhance road safety.”

“It’s a relatively simple concept, but it could save lives,” added Dr Gray.

This article courtesy of iMOVE. Check out its website at

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